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The Thirty-Year-Old Is Spending $1 Billion on Crypto Preservation

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    Crypto is ailing. Sam Bankman-Fried is betting a billion dollars he can fix it.

    The chief executive of cryptocurrency exchange FTX Trading Ltd. has appointed himself the industry’s savior—and crypto investors are closely watching his moves after months of market carnage. This year, he bailed out a troubled digital-currency lender and tried to stabilize another. He acquired crypto exchanges in Canada and Japan. He appeared in magazine ads opposite supermodel Gisele Bündchen in a bid to keep mainstream investors enthusiastic about crypto despite the downturn.

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    Article information

    Author: Lauren Ortiz

    Last Updated: 1699364641

    Views: 1188

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    Author information

    Name: Lauren Ortiz

    Birthday: 1971-10-09

    Address: 305 Martinez Mill Suite 921, East Anna, AL 38748

    Phone: +4257315775126412

    Job: Landscape Architect

    Hobby: Puzzle Solving, Card Collecting, Skydiving, Horseback Riding, Pottery, Archery, Sewing

    Introduction: My name is Lauren Ortiz, I am a unreserved, risk-taking, enterprising, sincere, esteemed, cherished, apt person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.