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Ethereum Price Prediction: Will It Reach $10,000 in Just a Year? CHECK IT OUT NOW

After strong increases in the last few days, the Ethereum price suffered losses again and continues to lag well behind the price movement of Bitcoin. This is causing sentiment among Ethereum investors to plummet. But there is still massive growth potential. Can Bitcoin Halving Trigger an Altcoin Bull Run? Will we see an Ethereum price of $10,000 in 12 months? Let’s take a look at Ethereum price prediction in more detail.


    How has the Ethereum price moved in the last few weeks?

    ETH/USD Weekly Chart- TradingView

    Overall, the Ethereum price has suffered losses in the last few weeks. The price saw a drop from $1,850 to below $1,600 over the last 4 to 5 weeks. This means that the Ether token has lost between 10 and 15 percent of its value during this time. 

    Two weeks ago there was a brief rise in the Ethereum price to over $1,700. But this spike was only visible for a short time and in the last 2 weeks the ETH price has fallen back below the $1,600 mark. In the last few days we have seen a slight upward trend again. 

    Ethereum price prediction: Is a massive increase possible in the next 12 months?

    At the moment, the altcoin market is in a massive crisis. The smaller projects such as Solana, Cardano, Polygon or the Memecoins have already seen massive losses in the summer. Ethereum was initially able to hold up better, but has lost heavily against Bitcoin, especially in the last 2 to 3 months. Can this trend be reversed?

    The Ethereum price could see a recovery again in the coming months. We must not forget that the altcoins have always suffered extremely in bear markets and the Bitcoin price has been able to hold up better.

    The Bitcoin Halving could not only bring about a turning point for BTC, but also bring new hype around altcoins. So far this has always been the case in previous cycles. That’s why we are very positive that the Ethereum price should rise massively again, especially after the Bitcoin Halving. 

    Ethereum price prediction: Will the Ethereum price rise to $10,000 in a year?

    The Ethereum price could rise significantly again in the coming months. But is an increase to $10,000 realistic? Actually, this mark was supposed to fall in the last bull market. At the moment we are again massively underestimating the growth potential of Ethereum, precisely because it is the basis of most of the important altcoins.

    A rise to $10,000 in 12 months is an extremely optimistic forecast. But we shouldn’t be surprised if the Ethereum price sees a massive increase again in the coming months. 

    Where to Buy Ethereum?

    Purchasing cryptocurrencies can seem daunting for newcomers, but platforms like Bitpanda have made the process straightforward and user-friendly. Bitpanda is a reputable exchange known for its ease of use and security features. To buy cryptos on Bitpanda, simply follow these steps:

    1. Create an account on the Bitpanda platform.
    2. Verify your identity for security purposes.
    3. Deposit funds using your preferred payment method.
    4. Search for the desired cryptocurrency.
    5. Select the amount you wish to purchase and confirm the transaction.

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    Author: Glen Carroll

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    Name: Glen Carroll

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    Introduction: My name is Glen Carroll, I am a receptive, honest, resolute, rare, unwavering, accomplished, tenacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.